Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hair Loss Remedy

The loss of hair is caused by a variety of reasons. While it is true that hair loss is part of the natural process of the growth and development of the scalp area, as well as the cells underlying it, abnormal cases may occur that fall outside of what is considered to be “normal”. It is these abnormal losses of hair that cause a great many people to search for a hair loss remedy.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Simply stated, hormones cause natural hair loss. It’s a fact that we lose more than a hundred strands of hair per day without our knowledge. While we shed a considerable amount of hair daily, it is later replaced by a new growth of young, vibrant, shiny hair.

However, for reasons that still remain unclear, many people experience an abnormal loss of hair. Later in this article, you will find information on how hair loss is accelerated, and what you can do to prevent, or minimize the loss of hair through the use of natural remedies and a little habit changing.

What Do We Really Know About Hair Loss?

Hair loss as a result of aging is commonly referred to as Androgenic Alopecia. This phenomenon is normal and accounts for more than 96% of hair loss in people of advancing age.

This normal process of hair loss is genetic in origin; meaning, it “runs in one’s blood,” and has the tendency to be passed on to offspring who may also exhibit the same characteristics. Men suffer hair loss more often than women, with both seeking a hair loss remedy as a solution to their problem.

The first sign of hairloss in men is usually a receding hairline. Men would usually see this when baldness begins at the original hairline, and continues toward the top of the head. While women also suffer hair loss, the resulting effect is not as significant as it is in men.

The term “Male Pattern Baldness” usually begins in men in their twentys. However, signs of pattern baldness may show up as early as sixteen years of age, and in extreme cases, as young as fourteen. A womens progression of hair loss may go unnoticed due to the pattern being more evenly distributed on their head then on a mans.

In women, the entire scalp experiences an even hair loss, unlike men, where a specific portion of the scalp is initially affected, and then progresses to other parts of the scalp. Male hair loss starting in a specific area makes it noticeable even in minor cases.

A research team at the Wood Center of the University Of San Francisco was able to create a synthetic hair loss remedy that encourages hair growth in areas where follicular damage has occurred.

Copper Peptide, a synthetic medical product, was successfully used to promote active hair follicle renewal, and hair growth in damaged areas. The growth of hair is part of the unusual positive side effects copper peptide has on hair follicles. This has been an important development in the search for an effective hair loss remedy.

How To Prevent Hair Loss

The loss of hair is more-often-than-not caused by chemical substances we either take into our body, or put on to it. Whichever the case may be, the following facts will help you avoid some of the common pitfalls that encourage hair loss.

Scalp Massage - Massaging the scalp is one of the best ways to encourage hair growth. Follicular cells in the scalp area are stimulated during massage helping them to divide vigorously. Scalp massage also brings blood into the area where it is being applied. This improves circulation which thereby provides nutrients to the developing hair.

Natural Products With Less Chemical Fragrance - The fragrance additives contained in shampoos, and soaps may cause irritation to the follicles of the scalp. Consequently, it would be advisable to stay away from hair products with added fragrance, and try using herbal shampoos without fragrance.

Eat A High-Protein Diet – Hair itself is comprised of protein so it is reasonable enough to assume that eating a high-protein diet may help your scalp to support an active healthy growth of hair.

Until a fool-proof cure for hair loss is developed a good program of prevention is your best bet. With a little luck, you just might not need that hair loss remedy.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Hair Loss Remedy

Regardless of your age, you need to be concerned about your hair. The appearance and quantity of hair that you have is a reflection of your internal health. You can use natural hair loss remedies to save your hair. Of course, when you are young you have plenty of hair. But, there are even some of you at an early age, twenties, start to lose your hair.

Aside from a having serious illness, your hair loss is affected by scalp cleanliness, stress, diet, and excess DHT. Knowing this, you can check out many hair loss remedies available to you. Scalp cleanliness.

Scalp Cleanliness

If you have dandruff, you need to get rid of it. Dandruff can be a source of hair loss when it combines with dirt, shampoo chemicals, and excess sebum follicle oil. Over time this combination of chemicals can create a film on your scalp that hardens and start to plug up your hair follicles. Once plugged, your follicles can't support hair growth.

Dandruff can be caused by excess stress, dry scalp, or chemical irritations. Look to see if you have excess stress in your life and find a way to reduce it. Chemical irritations can come from the shampoos that you are using.

Look for shampoos and conditioners that have natural ingredients. Start moving away from those hair products that have so many petrochemicals and dyes. Petrochemicals are those ingredients that you are not familiar with on the ingredient label - propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and FD&C colorings.


Stress is a major contributor to many illnesses. It can also be the main reason for your loss of hair. Many years I was under a lot of stress at my new job. During the first 3 month there, I experience excessive top hair loss.

When you have hair loss due to stress, you can recover it, if you take action right away. First look at your high stress level and start reducing it. Next, start supplementing your diet with a good hair loss nutritional supplement.


What you eat feeds your body. The type of body you have is based on what you eat. If you do not provide enough nutrients to your body, you hair will not receive enough nutrients to grow. Your hair is last in line for nutrients you supply your body. One way to improve your diet is eat more fruits in the morning and more vegetable for lunch and dinner. You can consider eating natural foods the prevent hair loss.

DHT (di-hydro-testosterone)

When excessive amounts of testosterone are converted to DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, this DHT accumulates at the hair root where it blocks blood circulation to that hair follicle. This decrease in blood to the hair root weakens it and it loses its health.

DHT also accumulates in the follicle and starts to plug it, thus further inactivating this hair follicle. The result is your hair starts to thin.

Hair Loss Remedy

For women, DHT formation is not a major activity until menopause. Before menopause, estrogen blocks the formation of DHT. When estrogen decreases after menopause, DHT starts to form causing hair loss in women.

There are now shampoos that help to clean off accumulated DHT from the scalp and from within the hair follicles. Use them to stop hair loss and to recover some of the hair follicles that are still alive. There are also some pills that block the formation of DHT in the blood, but I don't recommend them since it is not known what the longer term effects are of their use.